Sign up sheets have been posted:
Name of club holding meet: Kajaks Track and Field Club
Date(s) of meet: Friday May 26th , Saturday, May 27th , Sunday May 28th , 2023
Location of meet: Clement Track and Collier Throws Centre @ Minoru Park, Richmond
Web link to meet information: BC Elementary Track and Field Championships
Sign up deadline date: Thursday May 18th , 2023
Sign up deadline time: 7:30pm
Sign up location: Sheets posted in equipment shed at Percy Perry Stadium
Please note: Athletes sign up next to their printed name. If there is not enough room for all your events, please sign your name with the additional events on the blank sign up sheet at the back. If your name is not on the printed list, please sign up on the blank sheet at the back if you are a registered member of the club.
